Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jump-Start Your Student Advocacy Program

Some things to think about over the summer as we plan for the coming school year -

Implementation Tips

If your school wants to implement a student advocacy program, we encourage you to start slowly and be patient. Change takes time; we began our work a full year before implementing our program. In addition,
  • Review what you already have in place and begin building your program upon that foundation.
  • Seek out your "champions"people in your building who will be open to and excited about this initiative. Use these people to develop a strong leadership team.
  • Make principals and guidance counselors an integral part of this team. Not only do they bring a different skill set, they know community members and parent who will be willing to dedicate resources.
  • After the first year, seek out and support student leaders, as they are the ultimate champions of any student advocacy program

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